Monday, December 28, 2009

All about books

This year I've decided to bestow a book on my nearest and dearest for New Year Over the next few days, I'll be giving you a glimpse at the titles I'll be gifting, for myself definitely hehe.....





I do love books here are some of mine that is a must to every woman i guess so..well try to have them and you'll find something worth to read

This book will make you realize what it takes to love and to be loved, as it tears down common assumptions about relationships. Livingston's central argument is that there is, in fact, a perfect match out there for us all, somebody who perfectly complements our perfections and our imperfections. Livingston also argues that the notion of relationships being hard work requiring negotiation is not a good view: relationships should come easily to us, and, if not, we haven't found a suitable match. Tough love, maybe, but this book could shave years of bad dating off your life!

Spencer believes that confidence and self-belief are key to being the best (slim) you – and she is living proof: "In writing this book, I ditched the diets and started to find ways to feel better about being me. And guess what? I lost that pesky half stone." This is where things get murky, like a cold cup of Starbucks: essentially, Spencer is saying weight loss = a happier you (she wants you to be slimmer and will tell you how); but on the other hand, she wants to free us "from the shackles of thin and the torments of dieting." A contradiction, no?

I’m treating this book like a magazine, photocopying and getting busy with Post-it notes and highlighter pens. Some of the tips have even made it to my moodboard, while I have committed the correct way to shop without acquiring three skirts in the same colour to memory.

Every girl will find a gem of wisdom in this book to help her save money...without starving, going naked or staying at home every night with the lights off.

The book starts out well, with Spencer condemning our celebrity-driven dieting culture and giving a serving of to the stupidity of Atkins, Hay and the Zone. She espouses the virtues of viewing appetite as "part of a wider picture, a realistic picture", which "encompasses body image, self-esteem, lifestyle and the regular ups and downs of normal life, and not one only suitable for Hollywood starlets, heiresses, models and people who have staff to juice their morning beetroot." Yay to that.

that's it for now hope you had a wonderful day ahead..cheers:-)

*Alma grace*


Abby B. said...

wow.. i love your books! Im a book lover as well :)

Unknown said...

looks interesting, i have to check it out...

thanks for sharing!

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